“Don’t tell God you have a big problem, but tell your problem you have a big God.” -Manny Pacquiao

kettlebell circuit workouts / 20min cardio / 10min cardio

kettlebell circuit workout

round body pass/in between exercises


1)swings 10reps/arm
2)cleans 10reps/arm
3)press 10reps/arm
4)squat 10reps/arm
5)snatch 10reps/arm
6)overhead squat 10reps/arm
7)windmill lower 10reps/arm
8)kettlbell lunge 10reps/leg
9)one legged deadlift 10reps/leg
10)windmill upper 10reps/leg
11)clean&press 10reps/arm
12)turkish getup 5reps/arm


20min cardio workout

1min/exercise or 2min/compound

hand2hand swing

overhead squat

overhead squat

bent row

bent row

lateral lunge


horizontal row
one legged deadlift

horizontal row
one legged deadlift

kettlebell curl
slingshot swap


10min cardio workout

30secs/exercise or 1min/compound

double clean
dive bombers

double snatch
clapping pushups

kettlebell front squat
front kick

double press
horse stance

double bent rows
jumping lunges

double swings
lateral shuffle

hip switches
renegade row

one legged deadlift

jumping pushups
double clean&press

lateral lunge (no weight)
horizontal row

kettlebell abs/core/circuit

intro to Abs & core

10min Abs & Core standing workout

60secs each

1)round the body
2)between leg pass
3)standing knee raise
4)standing ab twist
5)lateral crunch
6)bottomsup planche hold
7)seated ab twist
8)russian seated twist

10min Abs and core floor workout 1

90secs each

1)getup situp 90secs/arm
2)kettlebell crunch
3)laterall bend
4)alternating jack knives
5)lying pullover

10min Abs and core floor workout 1

4exercises 90secs
2exercises 60secs

1)seated hot potato
2)swing side2side
4)lying hip rotation
5)getup situp (Full range)
6)side planche

Core/circuit workout 1

3sets 7exercises

1)low high windmill 5reps
2)renegade row 5reps/arm
3)suitcase deadlift 5reps/arm
4)double snatch 5reps
6)one legged deadlift 5reps/arm
7)double clean&press 5reps

core/circuit workout 2

3sets 7 exercises

1)turkish getup 5reps/arm
2)sots press 5reps/arm
3)bent press 5reps/arm
4)bottomsup clean&press 5reps/arm
5)good morning stetch 10reps
6)overhead squat 5reps/arm
7)bottomsup pushup 10reps

kettle lowerbody workout

intro to lower body
3sets of 7exercises
3-6reps strength
10-15reps size
5-10reps strength/size

lower body warmy

hip circles/figure8/
box squat
knee circles
hip hingeing
deep squat
downward dog
lunging hip flexor stretch

lower body workout
1)front squat
2)good morning
3)one legged deadlift
4)box pistol
5)racked lunge
6)jump squat
7)double swings

kettlebell upperbody workout

0:00 intro to upper body

1:45 upper body warmy
shoulders - arm circles, low circles, clapping hands,
neck - rotate, up/down,
kettlebell stretch walk,
towell/dowell - figure8, circumduction,
kettlebell armbar stretch,

13:30 upper body workout
3sets of 8exercises

1)floor press 10reps
2)row 5reps/arm
3)alternating military press 5reps/arm
4)bottoms up clean 5reps/ arm
5)seated one arm snatch 5reps/arm
6)seated double clean 5reps
7)standing double swings 5reps
8)lying pull over 10reps

Dan inosanto and Paul Vunak

chinese weighlifters

Bruce Lee had a saying that I love:

"I am not afraid of the man who knows 10,000 kicks. I am afraid of the man who knows 1 kick, and has practiced it 10,000 times."


Pangamut or pangamot is a Filipino martial art term as taught by Dan Inosanto, Kevin B. Smith, and many others. It is a word that refers to a person's comprehensive skill in combat arts, particularly in empty-handed Filipino martial arts, with respect to his or her abilities in panantukan (hand techniques), dumog (grappling), pananjakman (kicking and sweeping), kaukit (foot trapping), and kino mutai (biting and gouging). It is not a system or style, but rather a generalization of one's fighting prowess. For example, if someone were to say "your pangamut is good", this is a complement that means (without a weapon) you are an all around effective fighter.

List your top ten southpaw boxers of all time

List your top ten southpaw boxers of all time
1 Pernell Whitaker
2 Marvin Hagler
3 Tiger Flowers
4 Manny Pac
5 Joe Calzaghe
6 Winky Wright
7 Michael Nunn/Antonio Tarver
8 Hector Camacho
9 Michael Moorer/Chris Bryd
10 Joel Casamoyor

Anderson Silva Boxing training freddie roach

Fw : wednesday wod

3:44.5 1km row

- Original message -
WOD - 100628<http://www.gymnasticbodies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=4272&sid=7bec2374d08fec94d98bcf732f66c34d#p32778>

[image: Post]<http://www.gymnasticbodies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=32778#p32778>
by *Coach Sommer<http://www.gymnasticbodies.com/forum/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=2>
* on Mon Jun 28, 2010 3:38 am
Complete 3 sets each:
1 Embedded BL + 5 Tempo Bulgarian Pull-ups
1 Embedded XR L-sit + 5 Tempo Bulgarian HSPU
1 Embedded FL + 6 Tempo Windshield Wipers

Finish the workout with 10 Bridge Wall

1) Warm-up by performing 2-3 easier Pull-up/HSPU variations prior to
beginning your working sets. The variations used should initially begin with
one that is quite easy and then get progressively more difficult from
warm-up set to warm-up set.
2) Choose a body position for the embedded static strength variation that
allows you to hold the position for 15 seconds per rep.
3) Rest 10-20 seconds between the embedded static and the subsequent
exercise. Rest 1-2 minutes in between giant sets.
4) Use a tempo of 51X for the basic strength sets. This equates to a 5
second descent, followed by a 1 second pause at the bottom, then explode
into the ascent.
5) You may scale the workout as necessary by substituting another exercise
from the same movement family as necessary if a particular movement is
either too easy or too difficult.
6) DO NOT skip the Bridge Wall Walks at the end of the Workout.

anderson silva pro boxing bout match

Bruce Lee - rare footage - game of death final fight scene

ac · tion: the fact or process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim; the way in which something has an effect or influence; armed conflict; the events represented in a story; exciting or notable activity; exclamation used by a movie director as a command to begin; a thing done; an act; a gesture or movement; a manner or style of doing something; typically the way in which a mechanism or a person moves.

It has long been the dream of the Bruce Lee Foundation to build a Bruce Lee Museum. We see this home, this museum, not as a martial arts history museum or a Bruce Lee memorabilia museum but as a place that encompasses and expresses the totality of Bruce Lee’s legacy – Action! – dynamic movement, active personal expression, self actualization, the breaking of barriers! Bruce Lee was a dynamic action star and screen presence, an innovative thinker, a person who broke boundaries of race, culture, and tradition, an innovative family man, and now, a global icon. He accomplished these things by being passionate, directed and enthusiastic. He was actively dynamic in his expression of his very self and it translated across cultures and time and is the feeling that awakens within all of us when we see him move and when we listen to him speak.

Fist of Fury (Bruce Lee) Donnie Yen commentary English subtitles

A Moment Of Understanding by Bruce Lee

A Moment Of Understanding by Bruce Lee

A Moment Of Understanding by Bruce Lee
Gung fu is a special kind of skill, a fine art rather than just a physical exercise. It is a subtle art of matching the essence of the mind to that of the techniques in which it has to work. The principle of gung fu is not a thing that can be learned, like a science, by fact-finding and instruction in facts. It has to grow spontaneously, like a flower, in a mind free from emotions and desires. The core of this principle of gung fu is Tao – the spontaneity of the universe. After four years of hard training in the art of gung fu, I began to understand and felt the principle of gentleness – the art of neutralising the effect of the opponent’s effort and minimising the expenditure of one’s energy. All these must be done in calmness and without striving. It sounded simple, but in actual application it was difficult.
The moment I engaged in combat with an opponent, my mind was completely perturbed and unstable. And after a series of exchanging blows and kicks, my theory of gentleness was gone. My only thought at this point was “Somehow or other I must beat him and win!”
My instructor at the time, Professor Yip Man, head of the wing chun school of gung fu, would come up to me and say “Leung(Lee’s Chinese nickname was Lee Siu Leung), relax and calm your mind. Forget about yourself and follow the opponent’s movement. Let your mind, the basic reality, do the counter-movement without any interfering deliberation. Above all, learn the art of detachment.”
“That was it!” I thought. “I must relax!” However, right then I had just done something that contradicted against my will. That occurred at the precise moment I said, “I must relax.” The demand for effort in must was already inconsistent with the effortlessness in relax.
When my acute self-consciousness grew to what the psychologists refer to as the “double-blind” type, my instructor would again approach me and say, “Leung(pronounced Loong), preserve yourself by following the natural bends of things and don’t interfere. Remember never to assert yourself against nature; never be in frontal opposition to any problems, but control it by swinging with it. Don’t practice this week. Go home and think about it.”
The following week I stayed home. After spending many hours meditating and practicing, I gave up and went sailing alone in a junk. On the sea I thought of all my past training and got mad at myself and punched the water! Right then, at that moment, a thought suddenly struck me; was not this water the very essence of gung fu? I struck it but it did not suffer hurt. Again I struck it with all of my might, yet it was not wounded! I then tried to grasp a handful of it but this proved impossible. This was water, the softest substance in the world, which could be contained in the smallest jar, only seemed weak. In reality, it could penetrate the hardest substance in the world. That was it! I wanted to be like the nature of water.
Suddenly a bird flew by and cast its reflection on the water. Right then as I was absorbing myself with the lesson of the water, another mystic sense of hidden meaning revealed itself to me; should not the thoughts and emotions I had when in the front of an opponent pass like the reflection of the bird flying over the water? This was exactly what Professor Yip meant by being detached – not being without emotion or feeling, but being one in whom feeling was not sticky or blocked. Therefore in order to control myself I must first accept myself by going with and not against my nature.
I lay on the boat and felt that I had united with Tao; I had become one with nature. I just lay there and let the boat drift freely according to its own will. For at that moment I had achieved a state of inner feeling in which opposition had become mutually cooperative instead of mutually exclusive, in which there was no longer any conflict in mind. The whole world to me was unitary.

Hey guys, Balmorals got some really calm water, almost lake like. You know any other places round Sydney with same conditons?

03 April at 09:15 ·  ·  · Flag
Michael Madigan
Michael Madigan 
Terrigal is like that but it's up on the Central Coast. It's only 15 mins away for me but it might be a bit further for others.
03 April at 17:43 · Report
Sarah Anne Evans
Sarah Anne Evans 
Hey, Manly was nice and calm this weekend but it starting to build again.
Most of the harbour beaches are well protected from the sea swell. I've heard good things about Forty Baskets Beach in Balgowlah, Nielson Park near Watsons Bay and Little Manly Beach and Collins Beach are gorgeous.
See you out in the ocean soon.
Sarah Anne


From Ip Man to Bruce Lee - Tracing the Legacy

From Ip Man to Bruce Lee - Tracing the Legacy - part 1

From Ip Man to Bruce Lee - Tracing the Legacy - part 2

mayweather catch combo

mayweather catch combo

left hook catch - return with L H + R C

right cross catch - return with RC + LF + RC

right body shot catch - return UC + LF + RC

Martial Arts - The Pre-Fight - Geoff Thompson

More DIY videos at 5min.com

Nir Maman Israeli Special Forces Krav Maga

Nir Maman, former Section Commander and Lead Counter-Terror and Krav Maga Instructor at the Israeli Special Forces Counter-Terror School, and Operational Team Leader on the Counter-Terror Unit presents the official, the real, and the only Hand to Hand Combat system taught to the entire Israeli Special Forces, Krav Maga. www.idf-kravmaga.com

Negotiation Strategy Vs Tactics By Alain Burrese

I have spent over twenty-five years now studying, practicing, and teaching martial arts. This includes time spent in the United States Army and living in Japan and Korea studying martial arts there. Two important concepts that I have studied, taught, and written about in a martial or military format are equally important when teaching negotiation. These concepts are strategy and tactics. Sometimes I see people mistakenly using one term when they actually mean the other. In this short article, I want to describe the differences between strategy and tactics as well as illustrate the relationship between the two.


Strategy is the overall, big picture, plan, which includes goals or desired outcomes. In the military, strategy is the utilization, during both peace and war, or all of a nation's forces, through large-scale, long-range planning and development, to ensure security or victory. Another definition would be a plan, method, or series of maneuvers or stratagems for obtaining a specific goal or result. A well known strategy used by the Allies in WWII was that of strategic bombing in Europe. The Army Air Corps' strategic bombing doctrine was based on the theory that a bombing force could pound the adversary until its industrial base was destroyed, and with it, its ability and will to wage war. While this example helps illustrate the concept of strategy, it is unfortunate that many of us have probably encountered negotiators that worked from a very similar strategic doctrine.

Strategic negotiation is simply the act of devising and carrying out a well thought out plan to achieve your desired outcomes. Often, it is your plan to convince another party to give you something that you want and on your terms. The first thing you must determine when developing a negotiation strategy is what do you really want? What is the purpose of the negotiation? Do you want to purchase a house or commercial building? Do you want a raise in your salary? Do you want to settle a matter that is being litigated? Once you know what you want, and have devised a strategy, you can implement the tactics that will help you achieve your desired outcome.

When one is developing strategy, it is often easier to break your planning into phases. Here is a simple model used with martial arts and warfare that you will notice fits with negotiating equally well:

1. Identify your strategic objectives
2. Collect intelligence
3. Plan for environment
4. Program for engagement


Tactics are simply the means by which you carry out your strategy. In the military tactics deals with the use and deployment of troops in actual combat, more specifically, it is the military science that deals with securing objectives set by strategy, especially the technique of deploying and directing troops, ships, and aircraft in effective maneuvers against an enemy. In our example above with the Army Air Corps, the tight formations employed by the bombers to make the best use of the bombers' heavy armament and prevent German fighters from singling out and swarming on lone planes is an example of a tactic used to help carry out the strategy. Another tactic was the employment of high altitude bombing when low level bombing proved to vulnerable to anti-aircraft fire.

One must be very careful not to focus upon activity, means, or tactics at the expense of accomplishment, achieving goals, or desired outcomes. Above all else, obtaining one's objectives in negotiations should be paramount. Of course, the tactics, activities or means we use should always be appropriate and ethical, but we must remember they are merely the ways to attain desired outcomes. Examples of negotiation tactics include things such as:

1. Giving ultimatums
2. Nibbling
3. Shocked or surprised looks
4. Good cop/Bad cop
5. Walk away

There are many tactics people use while negotiating. There is nothing wrong with using certain tactics to carry out your strategy and obtain your objectives. It is not necessarily unethical, deceptive, or unscrupulous to use negotiating tactics, even though some may want you to believe this. Yes, some tactics may be unethical, and as I stated above, we should always be appropriate and ethical, but there is nothing wrong with being competitive.

No, I have not forgotten the Principled Negotiation strategy taught by Fisher and Ury in "Getting To Yes." However, I also realize that sometimes we will be in competitive negotiations, and knowing various tactics can give us the edge. As an attorney, I realize some clients hire an attorney to be their pit bull, and while win-win might be the ideal, some of these clients only care about a win in their column. Practically speaking, we attorneys must deliver for our clients if we want to stay in business. In other fields of business, you run across competitive barganing as well, and knowing tactics may be quite beneficial. Additionally, knowing various negotiation tactics, and the counterattacks, prepare us for when others use them against us.


Strategy and tactics are concepts as old as conflict itself. By understanding the differences and relationships between the two, the successful negotiator can better plan and implement the strategies and tactics to reach specific desired outcomes. There is a reason so many successful business people study the ancient military classics such as "The Art of War" and "The Book of Five Rings." There is a reason why so many successful business people play strategic military games such as Go and Chess. The lessons learned from military sources, especially strategy and tactics, can easily be adapted to help us be better business people, better litigators, and better negotiators.

Alain Burrese, J.D. is a mediator/attorney with Bennett Law Office P.C. and an author/speaker through his own company Burrese Enterprises Inc. He writes and speaks about a variety of topics focusing on the business areas of negotiation and success principles as well as self-defense and safety topics. He is the author of Hard-Won Wisdom From the School of Hard Knocks, several instructional dvds, and numerous articles. You can find out more about Alain Burrese at his websites http://www.burrese.com or http://www.bennettlawofficepc.com

Buakaw Por Pramuk Gym Arts Of MUAYTHAI DVD vol1 part 1/14

How polpot came to power-ben kiernan
cambodia after the khmer rouge-evan gottesman

the snatch with patrick cummings

The Snatch - Part One

overhead squat
heaving snatch balance
snatch balance

The Snatch - Part One from Patrick Cummings on Vimeo.

The Snatch - Part two

hang snatch
snatch deadlift

The Snatch - Part Two from Patrick Cummings on Vimeo.

The Planche Progressions

The Planche Progressions

Obviously, for those of us who are mere mortals, it is not possible to simply remove the legs from the floor and go directly to the planche. However with the proper progressions and patience, this position is attainable by a reasonably fit, hard working athlete. While working the various planches, strive to hold the hips level with the shoulders. Make sure that the elbows are straight. Bending the elbows greatly lessens the intensity of these exercises and will greatly slow your progress. Almost straight is still bent, so be diligent and keep them straight.

One final general note on planches; hand positions on the planche series exercises is completely optional. Some prefer fingers forward, others to the side. Some swear by support on fingertips (my favorite) and others completely flat. Just experiment and find the grip that you prefer. If you find that a flat hand support on the floor is too uncomfortable for your wrists, these progressions can also be performed on a set of push-up bars.

Frog Stand
Begin this position by assuming a full squat and placing your hands on the ground directly in front of your feet. By directly, I mean right next to your toes. Arrange yourself so that your knees are resting against your bent elbows. Now gradually lean forward taking your weight both unto your hands and also unto your knees by leaning them on your elbows. Using your knees on your elbows will allow your legs to help your shoulders bear the load of your bodyweight. As you continue leaning forward you will eventually be able to remove your feet completely from the floor and hold yourself up with only your hands on the floor and your knees on your elbows for support.

Balance is also a key to this exercise. As you first begin to learn how to lean forward in this position, you will often probably overextend and fall forward. Don’t worry have fun with it and enjoy some new training. Some pillows placed in front of you will help to cushion any crash landings.

Notice that this is the only static position in our progressions with bent elbows. Continue holding sets of this position until you have reached your one minute total time.

Tuck Planche
The main difference between the frog stand and the tuck planche is that now your weight will be entirely supported on your arms only. Once again begin in a full squat and place your hands next to your toes. Now, as in the frog stand, lean forward taking all of your weight on your arms and shoulders alone. Do not use your knees on your elbows for assistance. Holding the knees tightly to the chest will make this exercise easier.

At first you may only be able to briefly raise off the ground. Do not worry. Keep adding small sets together to reach your goal of 60 seconds total. Simply continue working the position, striving to lift your hips to shoulder high. With consistent practice it is possible to increase your strength in static positions relatively quickly.

Advanced Tuck Planche
Once you feel comfortable with the tuck planche and are able to hold it for 60 seconds with correct hips and elbows, you can increase the difficulty of this exercise by progressing on to the Advanced Tuck Planche. The primary difference between the tuck and advanced tuck planche is the position of the back. Note that in the tuck planche the back is curved, while in the advanced tuck planche the back appears flat. While holding your hips shoulder high, try to extend your hips back behind you until your back is flat. This “flattening” will greatly increase the intensity of the tuck planche. In fact, I think you will be extremely surprised at how much harder such a small movement can make the tuck planche.

Continue working this position, until you are once again able to hold the static for 60 seconds correctly in a single set with your back completely straight (“flat”).

Straddle Planche
Once you have mastered the advanced tuck planche position you are ready to work on the straddle planche. Finally! After months of hard consistent work the end is now in sight. While learning this skill, it is also beneficial to practice the next progression (the tuck planche push-up) at the same time. One will build upon the other.

From the advanced tuck planche position, simply begin to extend your knees behind you from their position on your chest. Balance is critical here. As you extend your legs farther behind, you will also have to lean a little farther forward to compensate. The wider your legs are the easier the straddle planche will be (note: for those of you planning for the future, as you get stronger in the straddle planche you can increase the difficulty by bringing your legs closer together).

Make small adjustments from workout to workout trying to either increase the length of your static hold or the extention of your position. Do not try to increase both at the same workout. BE PREPARED - just a small movement will greatly lessen your leverage on this exercise and make the movement much harder.

This movement is so much more difficult, that it is not necessary to be able to hold it for 60 seconds before moving on. Once you can hold a straddle planche correctly for 10 seconds you will be able to move on. I know, I know . . . only 10 seconds! But trust me, it will feel like much longer while you are doing it.

Tuck Planche Pushups
By the time you begin working straddle planches, you will have achieved a reasonable amount of static strength and are ready to begin adding a dynamic movement to your static hold. The description of a tuck planche push-up is fairly straightforward; while in an advanced tuck planche position, simply attempt to perform a pushup. To receive the full benefit, be sure (or at least try!) to maintain the hips level with the shoulders during the descent and ascent of this movement. Don’t forget to fully straighten the elbows at the to of the movement. Reps and sets are completely up to you.

Straddle Planche Pushups
Once you have learned both the straddle planche and tuck planche push-ups, you are now strong enough to tackle straddle planche push-ups. You could consider the planche pushup a super bench press or a full body press. In addition to working the triceps, chest and front delts, you also have a full contraction of the lats, middle back and lower back as well as the traps. The triceps and the forearms are also working hard stabilizing the elbow joint. Core strength is extremely taxed as the upper and lower abs, obliques, serratus and hip flexors all struggle to maintain the stretched (body) position.

From the straddle planche, begin to lower yourself to the ground. Be careful to keep the hips level with the shoulders as you descend, as there is a tendency when first learning this skill to simply try to dip the shoulders forward. Pause just off the ground and extend back up to the straddle planche. Also be aware that as you rise from the bottom position, it will be quite a struggle to maintain your hips level with your shoulders.

At first you may only be able to lower but not lift out of this position. This is fine. Any of Pavel’s kettlebell variations for learning military presses will also work fine here. For example:
1) Lower slightly, hold for a few seconds and continue lowering and holding.
2) Try to lower as slowly as possible, taking 10, 20 or even 30 seconds to complete the descent.
3) Lower all the way, lift up slightly and lower again and repeat.


fridays workout

45kg Snatch - max for day; 10 min rest
55kg Clean & jerk - max for day; 10 min rest
70kg Front squat - max for day

3 sets:
A1. Good morning x 10; no rest
A2. Hanging leg raise x 15


60 kg bench press
21 hspu (off the bar 15+6) 21muscle up off the bar (7+4+2+4+4) 21inverted pullup butt2bar (11+10)

21 laps (50METRE POOL) FIRST EVER YEH YEH (goal next time wall turn 2touch)

olympic weightlifting + gymnastics rings

ring strength
lord of the rings

iron cross
inverted iron cross
front lever
back lever
body raise
left raise
skin the cat
ring hand stand
ring planche

iron mind
olympic weightlifting training
BW56kg ivan ivanov 175kg clean n jerk

petar tanev 205kg clean n jerk

georgi gardev 170kg snatch

BW69kg galabin boevski 250kg back squat

BW83kg pyrros dimas 150kg snatch
170kg clean n jerk

BW 60kg naim suleymanoglu SNATCH

ronny weller 190kg snatch

jackie chan training, free standing hand stand pushups

1:55 jackie free standing handstand pushups

some double unders included

suss padd work (aka shit), dropped hand level

parallettes planche pushups


freestanding paraletes hand stand pushups

leg raises

planche pushups

ring strength

jordan jovtchev gymnastics

ring strength
ring pullups
L pullups
false grip pullups

core drills
hanging leg raises

skin the cat

front lever

straight body raises

back lever

muscle ups (no kip)

5rnds 25airsquat25pushup25doubleunders5pullup5snatches35kg 19.19mins
60kg c&j
kick, with block from counter punchs

kick, into the clinch

snatch & the grey man