Fw : wednesday wod

3:44.5 1km row

- Original message -
WOD - 100628<http://www.gymnasticbodies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=4272&sid=7bec2374d08fec94d98bcf732f66c34d#p32778>

[image: Post]<http://www.gymnasticbodies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=32778#p32778>
by *Coach Sommer<http://www.gymnasticbodies.com/forum/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=2>
* on Mon Jun 28, 2010 3:38 am
Complete 3 sets each:
1 Embedded BL + 5 Tempo Bulgarian Pull-ups
1 Embedded XR L-sit + 5 Tempo Bulgarian HSPU
1 Embedded FL + 6 Tempo Windshield Wipers

Finish the workout with 10 Bridge Wall

1) Warm-up by performing 2-3 easier Pull-up/HSPU variations prior to
beginning your working sets. The variations used should initially begin with
one that is quite easy and then get progressively more difficult from
warm-up set to warm-up set.
2) Choose a body position for the embedded static strength variation that
allows you to hold the position for 15 seconds per rep.
3) Rest 10-20 seconds between the embedded static and the subsequent
exercise. Rest 1-2 minutes in between giant sets.
4) Use a tempo of 51X for the basic strength sets. This equates to a 5
second descent, followed by a 1 second pause at the bottom, then explode
into the ascent.
5) You may scale the workout as necessary by substituting another exercise
from the same movement family as necessary if a particular movement is
either too easy or too difficult.
6) DO NOT skip the Bridge Wall Walks at the end of the Workout.

anderson silva pro boxing bout match

Bruce Lee - rare footage - game of death final fight scene

ac · tion: the fact or process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim; the way in which something has an effect or influence; armed conflict; the events represented in a story; exciting or notable activity; exclamation used by a movie director as a command to begin; a thing done; an act; a gesture or movement; a manner or style of doing something; typically the way in which a mechanism or a person moves.

It has long been the dream of the Bruce Lee Foundation to build a Bruce Lee Museum. We see this home, this museum, not as a martial arts history museum or a Bruce Lee memorabilia museum but as a place that encompasses and expresses the totality of Bruce Lee’s legacy – Action! – dynamic movement, active personal expression, self actualization, the breaking of barriers! Bruce Lee was a dynamic action star and screen presence, an innovative thinker, a person who broke boundaries of race, culture, and tradition, an innovative family man, and now, a global icon. He accomplished these things by being passionate, directed and enthusiastic. He was actively dynamic in his expression of his very self and it translated across cultures and time and is the feeling that awakens within all of us when we see him move and when we listen to him speak.

Fist of Fury (Bruce Lee) Donnie Yen commentary English subtitles

A Moment Of Understanding by Bruce Lee

A Moment Of Understanding by Bruce Lee

A Moment Of Understanding by Bruce Lee
Gung fu is a special kind of skill, a fine art rather than just a physical exercise. It is a subtle art of matching the essence of the mind to that of the techniques in which it has to work. The principle of gung fu is not a thing that can be learned, like a science, by fact-finding and instruction in facts. It has to grow spontaneously, like a flower, in a mind free from emotions and desires. The core of this principle of gung fu is Tao – the spontaneity of the universe. After four years of hard training in the art of gung fu, I began to understand and felt the principle of gentleness – the art of neutralising the effect of the opponent’s effort and minimising the expenditure of one’s energy. All these must be done in calmness and without striving. It sounded simple, but in actual application it was difficult.
The moment I engaged in combat with an opponent, my mind was completely perturbed and unstable. And after a series of exchanging blows and kicks, my theory of gentleness was gone. My only thought at this point was “Somehow or other I must beat him and win!”
My instructor at the time, Professor Yip Man, head of the wing chun school of gung fu, would come up to me and say “Leung(Lee’s Chinese nickname was Lee Siu Leung), relax and calm your mind. Forget about yourself and follow the opponent’s movement. Let your mind, the basic reality, do the counter-movement without any interfering deliberation. Above all, learn the art of detachment.”
“That was it!” I thought. “I must relax!” However, right then I had just done something that contradicted against my will. That occurred at the precise moment I said, “I must relax.” The demand for effort in must was already inconsistent with the effortlessness in relax.
When my acute self-consciousness grew to what the psychologists refer to as the “double-blind” type, my instructor would again approach me and say, “Leung(pronounced Loong), preserve yourself by following the natural bends of things and don’t interfere. Remember never to assert yourself against nature; never be in frontal opposition to any problems, but control it by swinging with it. Don’t practice this week. Go home and think about it.”
The following week I stayed home. After spending many hours meditating and practicing, I gave up and went sailing alone in a junk. On the sea I thought of all my past training and got mad at myself and punched the water! Right then, at that moment, a thought suddenly struck me; was not this water the very essence of gung fu? I struck it but it did not suffer hurt. Again I struck it with all of my might, yet it was not wounded! I then tried to grasp a handful of it but this proved impossible. This was water, the softest substance in the world, which could be contained in the smallest jar, only seemed weak. In reality, it could penetrate the hardest substance in the world. That was it! I wanted to be like the nature of water.
Suddenly a bird flew by and cast its reflection on the water. Right then as I was absorbing myself with the lesson of the water, another mystic sense of hidden meaning revealed itself to me; should not the thoughts and emotions I had when in the front of an opponent pass like the reflection of the bird flying over the water? This was exactly what Professor Yip meant by being detached – not being without emotion or feeling, but being one in whom feeling was not sticky or blocked. Therefore in order to control myself I must first accept myself by going with and not against my nature.
I lay on the boat and felt that I had united with Tao; I had become one with nature. I just lay there and let the boat drift freely according to its own will. For at that moment I had achieved a state of inner feeling in which opposition had become mutually cooperative instead of mutually exclusive, in which there was no longer any conflict in mind. The whole world to me was unitary.

snatch & the grey man