addiction vs obsesion

training is my drug, the process is just the opposite.

pain first, pleasure after

normally drugs like e, marijuana, ciggies, alcahol, heroin, ice.etc

pleasure first, pain after

Can We Train To Get
In The Zone?
In The Zone, as many athletes will tell you, is the only place to be. Nothing quite compares to this experience of a peak performance at your peak fitness. Many studies have researched athlete's experiences in this state. Regardless of their sport they have found many similarities in the words they use to describe their experience. Can we use their findings to give us some idea of how we can open the door a little wider to enter into it?

A review of these studies to date identifies seven common characteristics of a Zone experience. Athletes reported they ...

were totally absorbed in the activity

experienced an inner clarity

had a sense of ecstasy and being outside everyday reality

were in the moment, focused on the present

felt a deep passion for the activity

had a sense of serenity, no anxiety about their performance

had no sense of effort - it just happened

For many sports people a peak performance comes as a surprise. One minute they a performing, the next, suddenly they are in The Zone and life just got a whole lot easier. I believe these episodes happen when you can get out of the way and temporarily perform outside of your usual habitual boundaries, the old rules don’t apply and suddenly your movement, decision-making and sporting skills escalate way beyond your expectations.

running in the zone Take a look at the photograph on the right, which of these runners are more likely to be in The Zone? If we compare the athletes with the list above I would say the two on the right are zoners whereas the runner on the extreme left is definitely not. From a physical point of view, the runners on the right look relaxed, balanced and upright. The athlete on the left looks tense, has tightened his neck and shoulders and is off-balance.

Training To Get in The Zone
I believe The Zone is a primitive survival skill heightening our state of alertness in challenging situtations. Participation in sport may trigger this capacity but only if we allow it to happen. If it is a primitive skill would it be an automatic function? Could it switch on when certain criteria are met? If so it would mean we could not enter The Zone by deliberately trying any more than we can get to sleep by shutting our eyes tighter.

We all have the ability to switch on and perform - we just have to learn to allow the process to work. Training with a different attitude can bring about the state where we are better placed to let it just happen. If there is any anxiety about our performance it is not going to happen.

Obviously you need to have the necessary skills to perform in The Zone for your sport, but it is important to detach yourself from the ego and concerns you may have in order to get out of the way and allow your mind and body to work together and let it happen. In my view, the most important attribute for any sports person is the ability to be in the moment. All else follows from there. Perhaps our ancestors, without the distractions and pressures of the modern world, spend more time in The Zone because like children they live in the present. This is the skill we need to practise and once mastered, The Zone could become more of a reality.
A Mind For The Zone
I believe The Zone is a natural ability we all share and what prevents us getting there is a habit of trying too hard, often encouraged by traditional training methods. Excessive effort impedes your body's innate reflexes for movement and will stop you becoming absorbed in the activity - a pre-requiste of getting into The Zone.

Peak Performance Program
I started to research this fascinating area around 10 years ago. I was curious as to why one day I could run the perfect race whilst the next I was totally useless! Working with sports people I realized I wasn't the only one to be frustrated by this phenomenon.

I found one common factor that hugely influenced performance and stopped us from getting into The Zone. What really surprised me was that, like myself, not one athlete had been previously aware of it!

My new book Zone Mind, Zone Body covers in detail my research, theories and practical techniques. It will not only show you what the 'unknown factor' is, but how you can take control to your advantage.

Please click on the cover or here for more information.

Prepare For The Zone
Dr Patrick J. Cohn a sports psychologist, believes you can create a mindset that will increase you chances to get in The Zone. His research identified five keys to entering it.

1. Are you confident? – Few athletes can perform well if they lack confidence on the day. Self-confidence comes from a belief in your ability and technique. Past performances, success and properly targeted training regimes help to build confidence and the knowledge you are up to the challenges ahead.

2. Can you become immersed into the task? – This involves knowing what to focus on and how to refocus when distracted. This also means staying with the present task in hand and not getting ahead of yourself. It is therefore important to determine what is relevant to your sporting performance and develop abilities to focus on these cues.

3. Can you let go of your mistakes? – Mistakes are going to happen in sport but they have to be put behind you immediately. Holding onto the guilt is only going to have an impact on your next move. Cohn recommends having a plan for ‘releasing bad plays’.

4. Does it feel automatic? – Practice can help to develop skills that feel automatic and effortless or ‘a strong memory pattern of a skill’. This can allow you to focus on your strategy or your opponent if the activity can look after itself. Some describe it as being on autopilot although I dislike this term as it suggests no thought is involved.

Dr Cohn's excellent website is a great resource for 'zoners'. To visit his site click here.

You will also find Dr Jay P. Granat's website Stay in The Zone interesting. He has coached thousands of athletes using sports pyschology and hypnotherapy to create the mindset to get into The Zone for a peak performance.

Martial Arts Training For Mind And Body

Martial arts training is tough, possibly the hardest of all physical activities. The unique type of training and discipline of the fighting arts takes you on a journey (the way) to develop an inner strength as well as your fighting skills.

It requires many years of diligent training and a commitment beyond most other sports.

On the occasions you delivered the perfect strike; blocked without the need to think or performed a near perfect kata (form), did it feel difficult? Or did you get the sense it happened by itself?

If you have experience this sensation you were in The Zone . The Zone is a place where athletes describe this sort of experience. Studies suggest it's a state of ‘effortless merging of action and awareness’. Years of martial arts training can bring you to this state - but only the right type of training with the right attitude and mindful approach.

Can You Train To Get
Into The Zone?

I believe you can if you learn to focus and prevent unnecessary effort that prevents you from entering this altered state. So what stops you getting there? Factors such as stress or attempts to try harder can interfere. Often our efforts to perform result in unnecessary muscular responses that will interfere with your learnt reflexes such as you strikes and blocks.

"Effort within the mind further limits the mind, because effort implies struggle towards a goal and when you have a goal, a purpose, an end in view, you have placed a limit on the mind." Bruce Lee

It is my belief that our natural state is to be in The Zone. Diligent martial arts training arts can help you to experience this shift of consciousness. The Zone is an altered state where things can happen with little or no perceived effort. In these moments our response appears to precede conscious thought and is executed near to perfection; right timing, right effort and entirely appropriate to the situation.

When your martial arts training
all comes together

I am sure we have all experienced moments like this. For example, in one competition I scored ippon with a jodan mawashi geri to the side of my opponents exposed face. Afterwards my opponent congratulated me on my technique commenting he didn't see it coming, to which I could honestly reply, "Neither did I".

I was only aware of the execution of the technique once my leg has started its recoil. Where had it come from? At some level my senses had registered the target, selected the most appropriate technique, fired it off, made the lightest of contact and started the recovery of balance before I had become aware of it! This was probably my 'finest hour'. But how can we be capable of such remarkable feats one moment and be totally incompetent the next - I lost the next round and was appallingly slow.

The patterns (techniques) from your martial arts training are at a subconscious level and can be called upon with incredible speed and effectiveness before you may become aware you have acted. However, I believe this can only happen if we are in a balanced state.

Poise is a state of totally appropriate activity, both at a muscular and 'mental' level. When we are in this state there is 'optimum integration of the postural reflexes, consciousness and appropriate use of learnt patterns'. That is, we can get out of the way and let the processes just happen.

Nerves, tension and stress will interfere with this process if we allow ourselves to react negatively to these situations such as stiffening the neck, an action that will impede the balance reflexes. Likewise, over-confidence has a similar affect of preventing the unity of self and action as, in my view, it will reduce our level of alertness and state of readiness. The ego really should be left at the door of the dojo!

Train To Get Into The Zone

So perhaps to heighten our chances of getting into The Zone we need to focus on 'being in the moment'. Only by being consciously aware of the moment or 'the here and now' can we ensure inappropriate muscular activity is not present in our actions. This takes time and involves going back to some very basic movements (pre-martial art techniques) such as everyday simple activities and zazen to experience a stillness and awareness that will help in more demanding activities.

Martial arts training provides us with the perfect way to focus on the present. Use your sessions well and your mind and body will develop together.
"Effort within the mind further limits the mind, because effort implies struggle towards a goal and when you have a goal, a purpose, an end in view, you have placed a limit on the mind." Bruce Lee

Samart Payakaroon

contender 1

weekend sparring warmup

10mins skip rope

3mins medicine ball drop

3mins medicine sit ups

3mins medicine ball throws

30rep groin stretch

hamstring leg stretch

15 side to side

leg stretch - partners

3mins focus mitt onetwo

3mins focus mitt uppercuts

3mins focus mitt 4n4

3mins thai pad rear leg multiple kicks

3mins thai pad lead leg mutltiple kicks

cambodian martial arts

its a decent read...but if you got nothing better do...have bludger..aahahahah

"Although everyone suffered, and anyone, including Khmer Rouge soldiers and cadre were potential victims of execution, certain groups were singled out for extreme persecution and extermination. Among them were the Cham, Cambodian Muslims, Chinese, Vietnamese, educated people, people with classes, anyone with knowledge of English or French, the literate, artisans, and skilled workers. Pol Pot had declared a Year Zero, as a symbol of his desire to break with the past. To this end, he hunted down and killed masters of traditional Khmer arts including singing, dancing, and martial arts."

these fellas couldn't even protect themselves...yeh pretty tough martial art
shit...i can't even speak proper cambodian...aahahahha

just like saying brazilian jijitsu originated in brazil...and yeh, credit to the gracies for evolving it to the current standard, even Royce got his ass wooped by Matt who gives a shit...i thought some japanese dude named Maeda taught a gracie

kempo originated in america...i guess...who brought it there...chinese, what

the samarai were the best...yeh until a bullet hits your head

the famous 300 spartans...were vicious....yeh still got killed

mma started in america...i thought pankration was mma...was that what the old skool gladiators practised...or was it called shootfighting from sayama, wasnt he a japanese pro wrestler...hahaah

quote: Hitler "does anyone remember the armenian genocide"...wouldn't it be cool if the armenians had internet back then and posted on blogs

martial arts started in shaolin temple of china...did someone say it was some monk who came from india who brought it to china

finally...muay thai...who got them wearin boxing gloves...was it the west...hmmmmmmm...

vovinam viet vo dao...wahhhhh....the 5T boys have a style....yeh wateva

SWAT are better than the SAS who are better than the green berets who are better than the legionaires who are better than airborne army rangers who are better than the navy seals who are better than jackie chan........

so in bruce lee's words..."my style is no style"...
don't look at the finger...or you'll miss that heavenly beauty..called the moon...
Jeet kune do...its just a name, thats all it is...don't get so hyped over it
...without systems whats there to teach...
i stuffed up the words a bit

what would happen to martial arts world, if Bruce Lee was never born

yeh thanks for watching my rambling...and woop my ass anytime
my style is calld runningawayscreaminglikeag

mud wrestling is my thing...i laike sexxy time

p.s. finally - you know why chuck norris doesnt have hair on his balls??
because hair doesnt grow on steel

kun khmer

kun khmer

pradal serey


weekend sparring

10mins skip rope

3 mins medicine ball

3mins medicine sit ups

3mins medicine ball throws

30rep groin stretch

hamstring leg stretch

15 side to side

leg stretch - partners

3mins focus mitt onetwo

3mins focus mitt uppercuts

3mins focus mitt 4*4

3mins thai pad rear leg mutliple kicks

3mins thai pad lead leg multiple kicks

anderson silva

cross arm back elbow

Doce pares

they have beginner/intermediate class

saturday 11.00-12.00

snatch & the grey man